About the writer …
I’m a wife, a mom to two adult children, a working woman … a preacher, teacher, and student … an ordained pastor and an immediate support counselor for an employee assistance plan. Through it all weaves the theme that runs through the blog: a practicing disciple of Jesus … “practicing” because I’m still a work in progress.
I currently make my home in Albuquerque, New Mexico with my husband and my longest lived cat yet. My roots go back to northeastern Indiana where I was born and grew up. I went to college at the University of New Mexico in here Albuquerque, NM and while I was a student, I met and married my husband. Since my graduation with a Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering, we’ve lived in Texas, Florida, and Arizona (where our kids were born) before moving to Minnesota where I attended Luther Seminary. After earning my Master of Divinity degree, I took my first call to a congregation in Kansas. Then we went back to Minnesota. My husband’s work brought us there and opened the door for me to start as an Information and Referral Specialist for 211 … and then to move into the EAP work. Right before the pandemic shutdowns of 2020, we finally sold the house we still owned in Kansas … the kids were grown and out on their own … and my husband and I could do what we do from just about anywhere. So we made the decision to come back to my heart’s home, New Mexico.
I call myself a “wayfinder,” like from the movie Moana: seeing where you’re going in your mind, knowing where you are by where you’ve been. Seeing how the Spirit has moved in the past guides me as I watch for movement and next steps now. This blog is where I reflect on what I see as I try to follow the path, knowing the Spirit is indeed like “the wild goose” — un-tameable and unpredictable. All one can do is listen for the cry and try to follow the path of flight … and maybe every now and then, if one looks for it, somewhere along the path here and there, maybe there’s a goose feather — a sign of the Spirit’s passage.
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