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For those of you still needing to “do more research” or other checking to figure out which candidate to vote for in the upcoming election: STOP Stop pretending it’s about policy points or candidate background or facts or any other rational, logical process. Whatever you’re still looking for has nothing …

American Heresy #3: Power Over is THE Way

Maybe it’s taken so long for me to get back to this because this particular point is about to be very needed?  The last few weeks on the national scene have brought a lot of upheaval and uncertainty. However, the connections between candidates and Project 2025/Agenda 47 should not be …

AMERICAN HERESY #2: You Are Here; Heaven is Elsewhere

As noted two posts back, the three American heresies that I described reflect yielding to, rather than resisting, the temptations Jesus faced in the gospel stories often called The Temptation in the Wilderness. The previous post reviewed the basics of the story and the first challenge, turn some stones into …

AMERICAN HERESY #1: Salvation is Strictly Personal

As noted in the previous post, the three American heresies that I described reflect yielding to, rather than resisting, the temptations Jesus faced in the gospel stories often called The Temptation in the Wilderness. First, a recap of that story … then, an exploration of how things drifted from back …

Giving Up American Heresies for Lent

In the tradition of giving something up for Lent, I have determined to give up American heresies. Not all of this is uniquely American; much of this has long roots elsewhere and some are ancient. However, old roots transplanted into a new environment can give rise to something both old …


About a month ago, we marked the first anniversary of the mass shooting at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.  In a little less than two months, it will be the anniversary of the shooting at Santa Fe High School near Houston, Texas.  Next month, it will be …

SATURDAY 6-PACK: July 14, 2018

A weekly listing of articles, audio clips, and other tidbits I’ve encountered that seemed interesting, insightful, or otherwise useful   I’ve been on vacation … and then the usual catch-up when back at work.  Wow, has there been a lot happening!  There’s so much to pick from, but this is …


One of the joys of parenthood is introducing your children (as they reach appropriate ages) to significant pieces of culture from before their time (significant, at least, in the eyes of the parents).  A few summers back, my husband and I seized on the window of opportunity (our children being …